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Gun Control Advocate Wanted

So says CNS news:

The City of Seattle is running a help-wanted ad for a “Crime Gun Program Coordinator,” who will “develop, maintain and coordinate a centralized and regionally comprehensive crime gun database” and “integrate” that data with other law enforcement databases.

The person hired for the job also will “assist in the development of local and regional strategies to stop illegal gun trafficking and related gun violence.”

A Second Amendment group says don’t be fooled — the person hired for the job will be the Seattle Police Department’s “official gun control advocate,” and as such, he or she will be expected to “create and advocate gun control schemes under the guise of stopping criminal misuse of firearms.”

I’ve never understood the term crime gun database. Aren’t the guns known to be used in crimes usually in police custody? Also, the ad does seem to intimate wanting a gun control advocate as pro-gun folks would see the foolishness involved in this plan.

5 Responses to “Gun Control Advocate Wanted”

  1. ben Says:

    Darn diddly arn darn CRAP! Stupid Seattle. And Washington is such a nice state without Seattle. Same with Oregon without Multnomah county. Argh, fricking liberal idiots ruining everything. Why don’t they just move to Canada. Then they won’t have to do any work to get what they want.

  2. ben Says:

    Hmmmm… Maybe I could fake being a “gun control advocate” and get the job. That would be pretty cool.

  3. Joe Huffman Says:

    I heard lots of people at the Microsoft Gun Club were contemplating applying for the position too.

  4. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    While I’m sure what the Seattle City Politburo and Illegal Voter Protection Society actually wants is, as you say, someone to cook up gun control schemes and lobby for them in Olympia, I’m sure a gun nut in sheeple’s clothing could have some fun with this, and even actually go something useful, if they’re actually serious about wanting to reduce the gun supply to criminals.

    Fun: “Yessier, Mr (Seattle Mayor Greg) Nickels, I’ve got that crime gun database right up to date. Every gun we know of that was used in a crime. Cops got every single one of ’em. Of course, there’s the minor little problem of the ones the cops haven’t found yet, which is most of ’em, actually. Oh, and that includes the one Chief Kerlikowski lost last year.”

    Useful: Maybe, just maybe, tracking where the goblins are getting there guns from, and actually going after them.

  5. Addison Says:


    Tell ’em not to – my sister might need a job. 🙂


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