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Gunnie activism

Pro-Gun Progressive to gun owners: Get off your asses. Really:

The reason gun rights aren’t advancing as fast as they should isn’t a lack of gun owners; we’re moving slowly because of the 60,000,000 [I thought it was 100M? – Ed.] gun owners in the US, only a small fraction actually do anything beyond owning the gun or sending the NRA a check once in a while. Gun owners aren’t active enough. Period. While I don’t expect everyone who owns a gun in MD to join me on a Wednesday night in the basement of the VFW hall in suburbia all the time, we do need to start doing things that will both drive more attention to sites like mine and MarylandShallIssue’s, and make it more likely that gun owners will become active, visible, educated, and motivated to vote.

I live in a safely pro-gun state so I’ve never even known of any such press conferences or anything. I’d probably show up if there was one. However, at the Federal level, I call my congressmonkeys regarding gun bills. Several times. I fax them for good measure and send emails. Calls seem to be more effective, though.

One Response to “Gunnie activism”

  1. Ron W Says:

    More gunowners should join at least two pro-2nd Amendment organizations. We need to all pull together. Although I’m a member of the NRA, they often act as though they are the only group which defends the RKBA. There are others; Gunowners of America being probably the 2nd largest; although a distant second place. We need multiple high visibility gun groups and every NRA memeber should join Gunowners or another pro-gun group plus one locally. In addition to the NRA I am also a member of Gunowners of America (which I highly recommend) and Tennessee Firerms Association which promotes our Article I, Section 26 of the TN Constitution right to keep and carry arms in our state.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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