Neat Quiz
Take this survival quiz. According to it, I’d be dead in the event of terror/crime and a dog or shark attack. I disagree with its assessment of dog attacks and dealing with criminals. But different strokes.
Take this survival quiz. According to it, I’d be dead in the event of terror/crime and a dog or shark attack. I disagree with its assessment of dog attacks and dealing with criminals. But different strokes.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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February 27th, 2006 at 2:54 pm
11 out of 17. Alive, but wish I wasn’t apparently. Did well on Crime & Terror.
February 27th, 2006 at 3:05 pm
I’m alive, but badly injured or maimed.
February 27th, 2006 at 3:12 pm
12 out of 17.
Not that great of a test. They provide answers with assumptions not provided by the question. Like the shark has a hold of you already. Also the questions are too simple to cover real situations.
I also disagree with the dog scenarios. I’ve never faced a lone dog that couldn’t be faced down or actively attacked to force them to retreat. It does all depend on the scenario that you are in. Some dogs won’t go for that, but then the assumption is that you can’t find anything to arm yourself with either.
As for the criminal/terrorist, they assume you should always go passive, though they completely ignore that some scenarios require action when it’s available. If it’s a terrorist, I’ll be quiet just long enough to break the bastard’s neck.
Fun, but not enlightening.
February 27th, 2006 at 3:49 pm
13 of 17. I ‘m toast if a shark grabs me, but I’m otherwise OK.
February 27th, 2006 at 7:15 pm
12 out of 17, and thats without giving honest answers like “Draw diving knife and slash sharks gills” or “Draw weapon and shoot bank robber” or “Use radio to communicate GPS coordinates to rescue team, sit down and have a party.”
All of them assume you’re passive and unprepared. Does that mean that prepared people are alrady ultimate survivors?
February 27th, 2006 at 9:04 pm
Interesting, and probably slightly realistic for those among us who don’t carry knives, guns or brains. Attacked by a dog? Sorry, pooch, it ain’t gonna be your day. In the terrorist or bank robber scenario, I’m with Nylar, above. Not sure about the shark, though. I don’t think I could gut him faster than he could chomp me.
February 28th, 2006 at 3:58 pm
10 of 17. Interestingly enough, I blew every one of the animal attack questions (d’oh), and was almost perfect on the rest (missed one or two).
As to the dog attack questions, I agree with Uncle that none of the answers they gave were exactly correct.