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NRA sues NO mayor Nagin

From a presser:

The National Rifle Association (NRA ) has filed a motion for contempt against the City of New Orleans, the mayor and the acting chief of police for failure to comply with a temporary restraining order, handed down September 12, 2005, ordering an end to all illegal gun confiscations.

“With looters, rapists and other thugs running rampant in New Orleans, Ray Nagin issued an order to disarm all law-abiding citizens,” declared Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president. “With no law enforcement and 911 available, he left the victims vulnerable by stripping away their only means of defending themselves and their loved ones. Now Ray Nagin thinks he’s above the law, and that’s just wrong.”

One Response to “NRA sues NO mayor Nagin”

  1. Swap Blog » Blog Archive » I’m a survivor Says:

    […] While talking about surivial skills, Say Uncle has a post today – here – about how the NRA is suing New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin over his law on gun confiscation post huricane. […]

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