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In my religion, we carry guns

The Globe and Mail:

In a decision hailed as a victory for religious freedom, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday that Sikh students can carry ceremonial daggers to class, and that doing so poses no real danger to others.

The top court overturned a Quebec Court of Appeal ruling that had effectively banned the kirpan from schools in the province. The Quebec court said a limit on religious freedom was reasonable given the safety concerns.

3 Responses to “In my religion, we carry guns”

  1. Manish Says:

    well move to Canada and you can carry it to school

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I’ve been practicing, eh.

  3. markm Says:

    The kirpan is only symbolically a dagger. It’s as dull as a butter knife. A well-sharpened pencil is more dangerous, and the schools give children those. No one with any sense would have tried banning it in the first place. I doubt the Canadian courts would extend this decision to allow us peasants to carry anything that might actually be useful for self-defense.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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