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Couple of TeeVee notes

I need to get another TiVo box. First time it happened was last night, when we realized three shows we TiVo came on at once. I TiVo The Family Guy and The Sopranos and the Mrs. gets Desperate Housewives. One of us had to watch (gasp!) live TeeVee last night.

Next, The Sopranos premiered yesterday. I love that show. This is supposedly the last season. I figure it can end one of three ways: Tony dies, Tony goes to jail, or Tony goes into witness protection. I hear talk of a movie too, which would kill my three options, so make that four ways. If you’ve read spoilers, don’t tell me.

And the season finale of Battlestar Galactica absolutely rocked. And I didn’t expect any of that. Now, my BSG fix can’t be satisfied until October.

Update: OK, one more TeeVee note. Colbert has lost his mojo. His show isn’t so funny anymore. It’s probably easier to stay in character when you do it twice a week for five minutes on The Daily Show vs. four times a week for thirty minutes on your own show.

7 Responses to “Couple of TeeVee notes”

  1. ben Says:

    meh, if God came down and said “I’ll give you Firefly back, but you have to chuck pretty much anything else anyone else likes into the cancelled show abyss,” I’d do it.

  2. Drake Says:

    Uncle the Galactica finale blew my mind. As unsettling as the last 20 minutes were…I could have handled it if we had new episodes in July…October?

  3. countertop Says:

    Don’t watch the Sopranos (no HBO) but they filmed a fair bit of it in my parents town over the last year (Boonton, NJ). I know there are a number of scenes this season which are allegedly taking place in New Hampshire but are actually dthe town of Boonton. There is also going to be a scene where a big barn catches fire or something on a beautiful pond. Thats Dixon’s Pond and its at the end of the road I grew up on (actually in Boonton Twp. which is a seperate corporate entity from the town of Boonton) Dad got intoa big fight with them when they filmed it cause the security shits they hired gave him trouble about driving past the blockade they put up around the filming (which he had to drive through to get to our driveway). Anyway, when you see it this season, you’ll see where I grew up and understand that not all of Jersey is a toxic waste dump.

  4. tgirsch Says:

    Re: BSG spoiler alert. It kind of didn’t make sense to me. I thought the entire goal of the Cylons was to eliminate the human race; so why accept surrender? Admittedly, I haven’t been following the show religiously like some have.

  5. Justin Says:

    tgirsch- the cylons who invaded “new” Caprica were 6 and the other chick (Boomer?) they were the ones who found a “change of heart” and killed off the other Cylon (Lucy Lawless..head of the “evil” cylons?). not sure how the hell they are going to get out of this one unless the “evil” cylon group suddenly decides to invade New Caprica and they all hold hands and sing the Coca Cola song to fight them off…

  6. Alcibiades Says:

    Last night’s Family Guy had a constitution joke in it. Technically, it was two. And I think the second one was funnier.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    I’m not willing to say that Colbert has lost his mojo, but it’s very much hit and miss.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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