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Gun Control is Bullshit

Don’t have Showtime so I’m late watching it. But check out Penn and Teller’s episode of Bullshit on gun control. Long, but worth it, I think. Particularly the bit on the words in the second amendment. Also good was the gang banger telling us how much he loves gun control laws.

But my favorite was when the congresswoman from Texas says why have all the mass shootings in the US occured at schools and post offices? Because they’re gun free zones. No one ever goes nuts at an NRA convention or the local gun show.

6 Responses to “Gun Control is Bullshit”

  1. rpm Says:

    Number one. The show has notoriety for being notorious. I’m not sure if they ever did “Fluoridation of public water works is BULLSHIT!” program but I would’nt be surprised if they did (I like my water boiled, thank you).

    Number two. The slogan they get behind is “some jerks centuries ago decided that a dictatorship in the United States is a real possibility, so we should all get guns”. Two problems: no one of importance cares about founding fathers’ reasons except the goddamn lawyers, and no one of importance believes that we’re living in a police state. We are, but no one believes it. The point is lost.

    Number three. Threat of civilian insurrection? Pathetic. Last guy who rebelled against the police state was killed in a shootout, and you never even heard of him, and gun blogs were happy to scream that “yet another criminal was taken out by our glorious law enforcement agencies” just so that we’d have a moral right to complain as to why we “law-abiding citizen” have to pay 3 times as much for a gun than some cop accountant just did for 25 of them.

  2. Ravenwood Says:

    Not to nitpick, but at the very beginning he says our founding fathers “gave” us the right to have guns. Oy..

  3. Phelps Says:

    Actually, they did the “bottled water is BULLSHIT” episode, where they said that tap water was just fine, and 90% of bottled water is just tap water anyways, and you can’t tell the difference between the 90% that is and the 10% that isn’t.

  4. refugee Says:

    rpm wrote:
    “Last guy who rebelled against the police state was killed in a shootout, and you never even heard of him, and gun blogs were happy to scream that “yet another criminal was taken out by our glorious law enforcement agencies”

    I admit I have no idea who this was. Can I get a more specific hint I can google for?

    As to the difference between the BoR granting and protecting a right, I’ll give P&T that one. It’s a common mistake, and I’ve seen lots of folk make it. There was a time, back in Usenet days, when I didn’t know.

    Doesn’t matter. They’re getting the key points out to an audience that likely has never heard them before.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    I haven’t seen any epsiodes of BULLSHIT! (on the to-do list), but I have heard a lot of complaints (even from those inclined to agree with them) that the testing and research that P&T do isn’t exactly fair — that much of it is explicitly designed to come to a certain conclusion.

  6. Standard Mischief Says:

    I admit I have no idea who this was. Can I get a more specific hint I can google for?

    Well, I was gonna guess Carl Drega, but it wasn’t the gun blogs that were saying “yet another criminal was taken out by our glorious law enforcement agencies”

    Of course there wern’t that many blogs back in 1997.

    I don’t exactly advocate killing game wardens, cops, and judges, but every person has their line in the sand. Not enough has been said about the day to day harrashment that this man seem to have gone through from his local government maggots.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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