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Shall Issue in Delaware

There’s a push for shall-issue in Delaware:

Legislation to make it easier for law-abiding Delawareans to obtain permits to carry concealed handguns was introduced Tuesday in the state House — with enough sponsors to guarantee its passage in both chambers.

Under current law, applicants must demonstrate a compelling need for a permit and convince a Superior Court judge to issue it.

Wow, lots of states pushing shall-issue these days. It’s like the early 1990s again. Good.

One Response to “Shall Issue in Delaware”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Shall-issue in Delaware would be quite an accomplishment, and may even boost Maryland’s chances to slightly above that of a snowball in hell (currently, slightly below). I especially enjoyed this HCLie:

    Brady Campaign spokesman Zach Ragbourn said the organization opposes such legislation because judges “are in the best position to make the determination what is best for that community.”

    Funny, you never hear these guys criticizing the laws of California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York or Wisconsin, all of which deny judges the power to make the determination of what is best for their respective communities.

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