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The Bear

Looks like they caught the bear suspected of killing the little girl. Apparently, they’ll do some sort of test to confirm. Seems like an event such as this could lead to unnecessarily killing bears who are innocent but that’s understandable.

2 Responses to “The Bear”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    If bears are hunting humans, then there are probably more bears than the area can support.

    Animals aren’t innocent or guilty … they are just animals. A bear that has taught itself that humans are food needs to go … and the competitive pressure that forced a bear to that step needs to be eased.

    The solution to both is more hunting.

  2. joated Says:

    Seems like an event such as this could lead to unnecessarily killing bears who are innocent but that’s understandable.

    Hey, it happened after Jaws and that was a fictional shark!

    (ps: I like Kristopher’s reasoning. A lot)

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