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Alcoa R&D Park

Another local yokel pipe dream for Blount County:

Taxpayers are putting up $20 million to buy the land from Rarity Communities, who will develop it. (CLARIFICATION: Blount County, Alcoa, Maryville, and Knox County will purchase the property from Rarity for $10 million and spend $10 million more on infrastructure. The county is not buying the property for $20 million.)

Again, plans to spend tax payer dollars on questionable items of questionable benefit. It’s supposed to be a business district but the first items slated are for condos. Additionally:

The deal is being announced as if it were done, yet there has been no public input.

Read the whole thing. R. Neal has done a lot of legwork covering this.

One Response to “Alcoa R&D Park”

  1. #9 Says:

    How can government subsidize one business with tax dollars to the detriment of the existing established businesses?

    Simple, when only 14% of the people vote government can do anything it chooses. Is anyone really surprised this is happening?

    20 million here, 20 million there, before you know it, it adds up to real money.

    Thanks to all you assholes who didn’t vote. You are the enablers that let this happen. Those of us that give a damn have to work twice as hard to keep our elected leaders from using taxpayer money to help their friends. The only solace is that your taxes will go up too.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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