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Spammy in here

Getting overwhelmed with spam again. SK2 thinks blogspot blogs are spam. Beyond my control though I’ve recovered some of the comments. If you use blogspot, leave the URL blank or use a tinyurl.

Update: I keep removing blogspot from the blacklist but it keeps putting it back.

5 Responses to “Spammy in here”

  1. djuggler Says:

    People need to quit using Blogger.

  2. Chris Wage Says:

    Uncle, have you considered using the plugin I wrote? It works really well for botnet-automated spam.

    Basically, only real person spammers can circumvent it (easily).


  3. Chris Wage Says:

    Since I installed it on my WP blogs, I’ve only had 2 comments make it past it..

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    You could go to Spam Karma 2.2 but then you would have to move the blog to WordPress 2.0

    SK2.2 been out for a month at least. I might get mine upgraded this week.

  5. AughtSix Says:

    “People need to quit using Blogger”

    Sure, when I find another free and relatively easy to set up program, I just might. Until then, it’s just not worth it to me to pay for a domain name or hosting so I can screw around with a blog that no one actually reads, and one I’m not sure if I’ll actually want to keep up, anyway.

    I am, however, open to suggestion of such a service.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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