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Off to have a baby

The Mrs. will be induced tomorrow morning and our son should arrive later later in the day. So, blogging will be, err, light.

Kinda funny the difference from the first kid to the next. With the first one, you run out and spend tons of money on books, gizmos, strollers, bottles, and doodads; then you dedicate yourself to learning about babies; then you childproof the house; then you build a nursery; then you get some affairs in order; then you stock up on diapers; then the wife has baby showers; then all your friends are gaga and congratulatory; etc., etc. With the second one, you just put a post-it note on the fridge that says baby thursday.

19 Responses to “Off to have a baby”

  1. Jay G Says:

    Best of luck, Unc., to you and yours.

    Enjoy the last night of (relative) peace…

  2. SistaSmiff Says:

    Here’s to good birthin….God bless ya’ll.

  3. AughtSix Says:

    May God bless you with a healthy and happy Junior v2.0!

  4. Fug Says:

    In my prayers.

    God Bless ya.

  5. R. Neal Says:

    Man how time flies when you’re having fun. Congrats, and good luck.

  6. Helen Smith Says:

    Congrats on the new baby!

  7. Marc Says:

    Congratulations and Good Luck! Or is it the other way around? Who cares, whoopee! Another mini-unc is on the way.

  8. beerslurpy Says:

    Good work on the future gun owner.

  9. Toys in the Attic » Blog Archive » Best wishes… Says:

    […] To SayUncle, who’s going to have a little bundle of joy tomorrow: […]

  10. Manish Says:

    good luck!

  11. teresa Says:

    Jeez, it seems like yesterday Bundle of Joy #1 just got here! Congratulations, I hope everything goes wonderfully smooth!

  12. Buck Says:


    I have two girls myself. The first pregnancy and birth went just as you described. A team of mules could not have dragged me out of that birthing room.

    I almost missed the birth of my second because I was out in the parking lot smoking a cigarette.

    Things do change.

    What is going to stun you the most is how incredibly fast they get grown and are gone. I had heard that all of my life but I had to experience it to believe it.

    Enjoy every nano second with your family. Time is more precious that any other conceivable thing.

  13. rich Says:

    Best of luck to you, the momma, and the baby, and I’ll see you in January

  14. #9 Says:

    In our thoughts and prayers, Uncle.

  15. smijer Says:

    My congratulations in advance!

  16. Les Jones Says:

    Congrats. And, yeah, we’re whole lots more relaxed about the second one, thank goodness.

  17. Brian A. Says:

    Good luck.

  18. CL Says:

    I’ll be thinking about you today. Hope things go smoothly and baby #2 arrives safe and sound and fast.

  19. Rustmeister Says:

    Grats in advance, hope everything goes smoothly.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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