Tennessee Senatorial Debate
Terry Frank also has notes from the Republican debate:
I was seated directly behind Mayor Haslam. Two interesting notes here: Carolyn Jensen, face-lady for Sen. Bill Frist, leaned over to the Mayor following the opening remarks and remarked that “he” is doing well, “isn’t he?” The “he”, of course, being Bob Corker.
It seems Corker has the backing of the-powers-that-be / good ol’ boys around here.
July 2nd, 2006 at 10:33 am
It seems Corker has the backing of the-powers-that-be / good ol’ boys around here.
Ya think?
Big Jim Haslam is his campaign finance director. There’s also a strong Chattanooga/Corker/Haslam connection in City of Knoxville dealings: