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So what happens to the guns?

The Lowell Sun:

Massachusetts may have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, but the state is woefully inept at keeping track of the whereabouts of guns seized by local police departments.

An expose in The Sunday Sun (July 2) revealed that thousands of guns confiscated from individuals facing domestic-abuse violations wind up in bonded public warehouses for firearmas and are rarely, if ever, returned to their rightful owners.

So what happens to the guns?

Sun reporter Rita Savard posed the question to countless police, state officials and warehouse owners over three months. Incredibly, no one could give an exact answer.

Despite a comprehensive gun law enacted in 1998, Savard found there is no trail of public records on the seized guns, nor is there a state agency monitoring the storage, disposal or resale of the guns.

The findings are alarming, leaving police and gun-control advocates wondering whether the seized guns are being recycled into the population through auctions or Internet sales offered by owners of the bonded public warehouses.

Wow. And more:

While the state Executive Office of Public Safety has the responsibility of implementing the law, Savard found officials to be clueless about the gun-warehousing provision. After repeated inquiries, officials admitted finally that because no public records existed to document the transfer of the seized guns from local police departments to the bonded public warehouses. The admission was surprising, since public warehouses charge a $20 transfer fee for each gun to cover the costs of paperwork, specifically federal and state forms.

Once told about the inconsistency, the Office of Public Safety issued a statement saying the 1998 Gun Control Act doesn’t require the state to monitor seized guns.

If you can’t own up to the responsibility, just dismiss it entirely. That’s basically what the Office of Public Safety is saying.

4 Responses to “So what happens to the guns?”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    well, if they disappear from bonded warehouses, doesn’t someone have to pay for the missing firearm?

  2. robert Says:

    Look for the Union label.

  3. Jay G Says:

    Welcome to MA. Check your Constitutional freedoms at the door.

  4. Nylarthotep Says:

    Holy Crap. Nice to see that they are so responsible with controlling those guns, but blaming NH & VT for their gun violence issues.

    Wonder what Mumbles Menino has to say on this topic.

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