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inconsiderate prick

So, night before last at about 9:30 I sit down to watch Deadwood on the TiVo (anyone know what Dan was rubbing on his body before the fight?) when the doorbell rang. The dog starts barking. I quiet the dog. I grabbed the Glock 30 and headed to answer the door. I made no effort to hide said Glock on my person and merely kept it behind the door as I opened it. Anytime your doorbell rings at an odd hour and you’re not expecting anyone, you should answer the door with a weapon. I open the door. There’s an Orkin man standing there. He starts his speech about how houses in the neighborhood are going in on group rates and I cut him off.

I say to him Dude, it’s 9:30 at night. I just put my kids to bed and here you are ring my doorbell. You’ve riled up my dog. What is your problem? Do you always knock on people’s doors this late?

He starts with some sort of explanation and continues his sales pitch.

I say Stop now and leave. I’m not interested.

He says I’ll come back at another time.

I say You will not come back. Leave now.

Yes, this man knocked on my door at an odd hour to solicit a sale. Not to say there’s an emergency, call the police. Or my car broke down, can I use a phone or will you jump start my car. All of which, I’d have been happy to do. You never knock on people’s doors at odd hours unless 1) they know you’re coming or 2) you’re in need of help. Period. Idiot.

And, no, at no point did I threaten him with a weapon nor did I even make him aware that I had it.

3 Responses to “inconsiderate prick”

  1. #9 Says:

    (anyone know what Dan was rubbing on his body before the fight?)

    I forget the word but I think it was the hair grease of that time. The same stuff in “Brother where are’t thou”. Of course in Deadwood it could have been axle grease.

    Deadwood is a gem. The dialog, the set, the plot, it is Shakespeare meets the Western movie.

  2. _Jon Says:

    Send a letter to Orkin.

  3. Brad Says:

    Do the telemarketing laws forbidding calls after 9:00 PM apply to door to door salesman? I’d at least call the local Orkin man and complain, or maybe the BBB.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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