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Gratuitous Plug

I recently purchases a forearm mounted front sight from Their website is here (it’s under construction) and their page is here. Good prices, excellent service, fast delivery, and quick response to my inquiries. By good prices, I mean a YHM free float, light weight forearm for $87 and a YHM forearm mounted front sight for $64.

I ordered it and they changed to my preferred shipping method for a nominal fee. They were out of stock on one item I inquired about and I asked they let me know when they got it in. I expected to not hear from them again, which is usually the case with most online vendors. However, less than two days later, I get an email telling me the item was now in stock and asking if I wanted it. Unfortunately, I had already ordered the item from elsewhere but that is excellent service. I’ll use them again in the future and think you should give them a shot too. So, check out brightflashlights ad board and their website.

One Response to “Gratuitous Plug”

  1. beerslurpy Says:

    God dammit, I just ordered a yankee hill lightweight quad for over 100 bucks.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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