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The political process


Our system is rigged against independents and third parties. A third party isn’t even allowed to be identified on the ballot. An individual libertarian may not be able to campaign and get his name out but people still know what a libertarian is. If they were listed by party, people would know SOMETHING about that candidate.

He concludes:

Everything — to the two parties. To the people, nothing.


3 Responses to “The political process”

  1. Brutal Hugger Says:

    What I hate is the way courts have consistently held that the two parties are allowed to make laws whose sole purpose is to protect the two-party system, even if it makes third party viability virtually impossible.

  2. joe public Says:

    BH, maybe that’s because most judicial elections are partisan, so the judges are in on the game. Maybe not, but it has to figure somehow.

  3. Brutal Hugger Says:

    That includes appointed federal judges, i.e. Supreme Court judges, who are tenured for life. At that point, it’s not self interest, it’s just stupidity.

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