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Vote for the crazy liberal

Over at Volunteer Voters, they’re having a poll on Who is the most influential political blogger in the state of Tennessee?

I objected to the fact that plenty of as-influential-to-some-of-those-listed bloggers weren’t mentioned there, like Lean Left, Alphie, Sensing, Gene Patterson, Bob Krumm, Blake Wylie, Les, and I’m sure more that I can’t remember (here’s a list of Tennessee bloggers, btw)

In protest, I cast my vote for egalia, because nobody would fucking believe that.

Glenn Reynolds really throws the poll out of whack as he simply beats every other blog in the state. And the blogs aren’t remotely comparable in terms of what they deal with. Some blogs deal with local/state issues. Others international issues. Etc.

There simply is no good comparison.

6 Responses to “Vote for the crazy liberal”

  1. chris Says:

    Who is Britney Gilbert?

    I assume that she is some chick from Nashville.

    BTW, I checked out KnoxViews earlier today by taking your link to it, and it has been largely taken over by the anti-Bush, crowd.

    I followed the links to some of the major posters (e.g. Whites Creek), and most of what I saw was a bunch of Bush, Bush, Bush drivel.

    I hope that the more conservative bloggers don’t abandon it.

  2. #9 Says:

    BTW, I checked out KnoxViews earlier today by taking your link to it, and it has been largely taken over by the anti-Bush, crowd.

    Not so chris, Uncle, Les Jones, and I blog at On some days it may look like there are no conservatives/independents/libertarians/not liberals in sight, but overall it is still a Big Tent, just like Say Uncle or Les Jones’s blog.

    What I find interesting is that the people I like the most are the ones that cannot be easily labeled. The most tiresome are the ones that are so far to one side that they can be easily labeled.

  3. brittney Says:

    Who is Brittney Gilbert?

  4. Marc Says:

    That poll makes less sense than Insty’s GOP poll. First off it forgets that there are three great states of Tennessee. Second it uses bloggers names rather than the blog’s name (I know, I know, then the poll have to be called What is the most influential political blog in the state of Tennessee?) so I don’t know who they’re talking about. Suppose they put the name of an anonymous blogger like say SKBubba? You wouldn’t know who it was and you’ve outed them at the same time.

    Sharon Cobb was lonely so I voted for her.

  5. #9 Says:

    Brittney, no offense, but you are not a political blogger. At least not yet. Half of the list don’t qualify. Interesting idea but A.C. missed the boat.

  6. chris Says:

    No. 9-

    Look at the number and authors of posts.

    I am glad that you and Les Jones blog it, but one or two Bush-haters seem to be generating most of the posts.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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