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Wyoming v. ATF

GLN has the update:

The state of Wyoming passed a law in 2004 that allowed for expungement of misdemeanor domestic violence convictions restoring the firearms rights disabled by the Lautenberg Amendment. The expungement would allow a previously prohibited person to acquire a state ccw. Existing law allowed ccw holders to acquire firearms with going through the federal NICS check.

In August of 2004 the BATFE began a series of letters to Wyoming. The letters said that the state definition of ‘expungement’ conflicted with the federal definition, which controlled the definition of prohibited persons. Because the state could issue a ccw to a prohibited person, the Wyoming ccw was no longer sufficient to bypass the NICS check.

Wyoming has filed suit.

3 Responses to “Wyoming v. ATF”

  1. Reason Says:

    At least there’s one semi-free state.

  2. drstrangegun Says:

    This could be the leverage we need to get Lautenberg before the supremes…

  3. robert Says:

    Golly! It’s like the government is making war on the citizens!

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