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Box of Helmet

The box of truth looks at how rounds do against kevlar helmets. Via marc, who says:

All I can say is even with a kevlar helmet on I still don’t want to be shot in the head with a .357.

Don’t seem to do much for rifles, either.

4 Responses to “Box of Helmet”

  1. Marc Says:

    I still don’t want to be shot in the head with a 7.62 X 25 either. Let’s just say when it comes to Marc, getting shot in the head is not the game for him.

  2. drstrangegun Says:

    Seems like the Czechs knew what they were doing 🙂

  3. BobG Says:

    A friend of mine saw someone take a glancing bullet to the helmet during the Korean War. The bullet didn’t penetrate, but the impact snapped the soldier’s neck. The Kevlar helmet may keep a .45 out of your skull, but that is little comfort if your spine is damaged from the shock.

  4. Dana Ace Says:

    Many moons ago in basic training a fellow recruit got a case of the red ass and threw his Kevlar helmet at a brick wall. To my dismay it shattered into tiny shards. Never had much faith in them after that but apparently his was defective. He still had to pay for it though.

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