On federal CCW
I wrote about. Gun Law News sets me straight:
The starting point for these debates is an assumption that proposed legislation is all about a federally issued permit. It is not.
There’s more.
I wrote about. Gun Law News sets me straight:
The starting point for these debates is an assumption that proposed legislation is all about a federally issued permit. It is not.
There’s more.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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August 25th, 2006 at 3:22 am
I’d think the issue is more that this sort of bill begs for poison pills. Even those of us tol young to remember the men that signed it know that the “Firearm Owners Protection Act” managed to do a lot of harm for us – it’s the reason you can’t find an automatic rifle made in the last two decades legally.
A federal reprocicity law not only has the weaknesses of a constitutional court battle, but also encourages ‘common-sense’ laws to be added in. If you can require a state to honor all CCWs (nevermind that even the ‘safe travel’ laws already on the books don’t protect you in New York), do you really think it’ll be that hard to require, say, an in-depth background check with associated hundred dollar fine and letters of recommendation? I’ve lived in Massachusetts, I know quite well what we could lose here.