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The Tyler hits the fan on the Gene Patterson show

The Tyler hits the fan on the Gene Patterson show “Tennessee This Week” which will air Sunday at noon. If you cannot wait to see this program it is available here. On the panel are Terry Frank, Mike Cohen, and Frank Cagle.

It is particularly interesting when Mike Cohen, a Vice President with Ackermann PR, channels Perry Mason when he puts the witness on trial. The witness of course being Tyler Harber. Cohen was once Mayor Ragsdale’s staff advisor. Cohen was replaced by Mike Arms who was on Knox County Commission. Arms is the Chief of Staff for Mayor Ragsdale with a handsome salary which was recently raised to over $ 125,000 per year. Some say Arms effectively runs County Government allowing Mayor Ragsdale to do more important things like fund raising so he can run for Governor. Arms was replaced on Knox County Commission by Mike Hammond who is seeking to be the Chairman of the Commission after only two years on Commission.

The program develops quickly when Mike Cohen flatly states, “Tyler Harber is a liar”.

Terry Frank and Frank Cagle ask some pointed questions but all answers lead to Cohen’s end game that ” Tyler Harber is a liar. Tyler Harber has a long history of lying”. Yet in the discussion that is not clear at all. The only clear thing that this interview brings to the table is that the Ragsdale administration maintains that ” Tyler Harber is a liar and a troubled young man. We wish him well in his recovery”. Your mileage may vary. The truth may vary. One thing is certain, it is irrelevant if Tyler Harber is a liar. What is important is whether he was following orders from the Mayor or the Mayor’s Chief of Staff.

At least twice Terry Franks says, “There needs to be an investigation”. Each time Cohen flinches.

Gene Patterson is back to his old form here as he draws Cohen close with some soft balls but then closes with the “Mike Wallace” type question, “Is it possible that Tyler Harber was simply a maverick on his own doing things, without knowledge by Mayor Ragsdale, or was he being directed tacitly by Mayor Ragsdale? Cohen’s expression after this question reveals a great deal. Ask poker players what it means when people look down at the table.

This is either a tragedy or a comedy. I have trouble deciding. But it is compelling and entertaining. Based on Cohen’s performance it is clear this play will have four acts.

Correction: Mike Cohen was not replaced by Mike Arms. Cohen was the “communications and government relations guy” and was replaced by Dwight Van de Vate. Arms served two years as both Ragsdale’s Chief of Staff and a District 5 Knox County Commissioner. It was perceived as a conflict of interest by the taxpayers and this was what necessitated the resignation of Arms as County Commissioner and the appointment of WNOX radio executive Mike Hammond to fills Arm’s vacant seat. Dwight Van de Vate was formerly the Director of Communications for the Knox County Sheriff’s Department.

2 Responses to “The Tyler hits the fan on the Gene Patterson show”

  1. chris Says:

    Who is Tyler Harber?

    I think that I have heard of him.

  2. #9 Says:

    Who is Tyler Harber?

    I guess it depends on who you ask. Some say he is a good solider who follows orders. Others say he is a “deeply troubled young man”. At this point, no one really knows how Tyler Harber is.

    This new article tells more about the story:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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