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David Hardy on why gun control proponents are different from other proponents:

Firearm regulations are entirely different. No matter how much is enacted, its political proponents insist that they must have more. As I noted in the previous post, even New York and Massachusetts politicians want more, more. If the laws are failing, it just proves they must be made nationwide, not that something is wrong with the approach.

3 Responses to “Addiction”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    Of course they aren’t satisfied. They want a complete and total ban on civilian ownership of anything more dangerous than a box of matches.

  2. Guav Says:

    Exactly. Gun control proponents are not different from other proponents at all.

    They only appear different if you assume that any given legislation of the moment is their ultimate goal. But it is not—total eventual banning of all private firearms ownership is their ultimate goal. If they were to acheive that, they would not ask for more, just as other proponents do not ask for more once they have acheived their goals.

    We have to always keep in mind that common-sense, “moderate” legislation is not their goal, it is a means to their end (I speak of the lobby and political proponents, not the average American who falls victim to their misleading “facts” and emotional arguments).

  3. markm Says:

    Matches? But you can burn your eye out!!!

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