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Deadwood blogging

So, that was it? (spoilers ‘n shit; click more if you want)

So, that was the finale? A dead hooker and the big, bad evil man just leaves town? Err, I wanted a big showdown. You know, guns drawn or a political one. Someone outsmarting the other. But, no. Alma sold. And Hearst took off for other stuff.

Kind of anti-climactic.


5 Responses to “Deadwood blogging”

  1. #9 Says:


    You need an “s”.

    I thought Deadwood was great, they had to stay within the historical arc. I was disappointed Bullock didn’t beat the crap out of someone. Oh well, there’s always next year.

  2. Fug Says:

    I was half expecting a battle with all of Hearst’s hired guns against Bullock and Swearengin’s men on the other side, and just as Bullock and Al’s guys are about to get routed out all of Mr Woo’s men would come whooping in…. durn that “historical arc” to heck! 😉

  3. Benz Says:

    I’m with you. Wanted a showdown. This was dark stuff. But it struck me as more realistic than the stereotypical showdown. Often as not, the bad guys get their way and move on to their next conquest.

  4. Phelps Says:

    Yeah, this is all based loosely on the actual history of Deadwood. Hearst did just leave town. Facts is facts.

  5. #9 Says:

    Wu Swedgin Heng-Dai

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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