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Crocodile hunter dead

The AP:

Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the “Crocodile Hunter,” was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.

Crikey. He had an interesting life and a good show. So long, Steve.

One Response to “Crocodile hunter dead”

  1. chris Says:

    This mad me quite sad, because Steve’s fearlessness entertained and educated me for many years.

    But, although it evokes sadness on my part, there is no pity because he fully lived his life and we are better for it.

    From what I can tell, when it comes to living life, he left nothing on the table.

    The fact that he didn’t die in the jaws of a croc or from a venimous snake bite is kind of shocking.

    I wish Terry and their 2 children well.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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