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Blogs v. Research

Last night, the Mrs. was researching some products online. She said she couldn’t find any satisfactory reviews or info. She said something to the effect of:

It’s hard to find reviews of products online because when you Google a product, the results are always somebody’s blog. Blogs make it hard to find real information. Err, no offense.

What do you think? Are blogs causing traffic jams on the information superhighway?

Update: BTW, I went and looked at her search results and what was popping up were a few spam blogs. I explained to her what splogs were.

6 Responses to “Blogs v. Research”

  1. Justin Says:

    Blogs are a nice mixture half bullshit and half truth.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    A good blog, well linked, makes it easier for me to find information.

    Unfortunately, many blogs aren’t well linked.

  3. existingthing Says:

    There was a lot of discussion about google indexing blogs. They said they may (sometime in the future) provide searches that exclude blogs for the very reason you experienced. This remains to be seen…

  4. joe public Says:

    Since the vast majority of splogs I’ve seen have been on Google’s own Blogger service, somehow I doubt the effectiveness of any blog-excluding measure on their part.

  5. trainer Says:

    I haven’t seen that problem when I am info hunting at work.

    I tend to hunt geeky techie problem stuff (real geeky) and while I find high-end forums to be very helpful, the blogs don’t seem to be up to the level I need.

    If I’m actually trying to find a blog with info that I want, I don’t find it that easy to google to them. From what I’ve seen, I couldn’t prove that Google was indexing them.

  6. Standard Mischief Says:

    # joe public Says:

    Since the vast majority of splogs I’ve seen have been on Google’s own Blogger service, somehow I doubt the effectiveness of any blog-excluding measure on their part.

    in google, search for:

    horrible screaming death

    OK, now in a new tab or window, google this collection of terms:

    horrible screaming death -inurl:blogspot

    Notice how all the free blogspot blogs dissapear? If you are getting too many splogs in your results just filter out the free blogging sites where the splogs are.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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