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On conspiracy theories


The fringe elements that propagate those theories seem to forget that they are accusing the same government that can’t get a letter across town in a week (or even keep a presidential blowjob a secret) of orchestrating a machiavellian plot worthy of the next Dan Brown novel.

4 Responses to “On conspiracy theories”

  1. Windy Wilson Says:

    The other thing about conspiracy theories is that they must simultaneously deny something basic about a person, like for instance, insisting that the reaction they need for the conspiracy theory to work is “only normal human nature, while ignoring 20 years experience as a sea captain which would temper that human nature, while they attribute some sort of esoteric knowledge to someone who never showed the slightest sign of knowing that knowledge, nor do they explain where the person could get that esoteric knowledge, ie the same sea captain is endowed with extensive and little known knowledge of obscure poisons, which he somehow “picked up” in his travels to the “east”.

  2. #9 Says:

    Oh snap. Watch the Foley deal unravel. Everyone in DC knew about this. Multiple conspiracy theories will evolve.

    Check out AM 1180 Wednesday in Knoxville at 5:00 and you will here how the .Gov blew up the World Trade Center. I am being serial (coded Al Gore joke).

  3. Ed Buckby Says:

    I’m with you guys. It never ceases to amaze me how, on one hand, we consider the government utterly disfunctional and incapable of effectual action and yet, on the other hand, it is capable of masking large scale plans and conspiracies for years.

    I seriously doubt that our government could keep much of anything covered up.

  4. Billy Beck Says:

    Ed: see my note at Tam’s place.

    You’re dead wrong.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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