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South Park on 9/11 Conspiracies

A spoiler, if you haven’t seen it don’t click more.

The end showed the the 9/11 conspiracy groups were actually run by the government. And the reason was that 25% of the population is retarded. That was funny.

4 Responses to “South Park on 9/11 Conspiracies”

  1. Awake247 Says:

    Yeah that ending was retarded, the entire show bashed conspiracy theorist then at the end they make it out to be an even bigger conspiracy, just doesn’t make sense. I guess in the minds of these so-called “southpark conservatives” there is no rationale when it comes to the all-knowing Matt and Trey.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:


    Looks like “Awake247” is a conspiracy theorist…

  3. #9 Says:

    I missed this first time around.

    This weeks South Park episode “Mystery of the Urinal Deuce” was wickedly funny. Cartman solves once and for all the truth behind 911. Sort of.

    Of all the conspiracy theories to choose from the 911 conspiracy theory is by far the goofiest. It is almost an intelligence test. How seriously warped must someone be to buy this load of crap?

    Of course everyone knows the truth, it was the Greys that did 911. If only we had mastered the Area 51 technology. Thank God for Art Bell.

  4. jimmyb Says:

    That was hilarious.
    Those guys come up with some great stuff.
    They’re pretty hardcore libertarians, too.

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