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Blame the gun

Not the people who left it where a three year old can get it:

WE WERE SHOCKED to learn how little pressure it takes to squeeze the trigger of a Glock .45. The gun’s firing mechanism is so light, even a 3-year-old can shoot it.

And accidentally kill himself.

Tylib Bailey-Henderson’s death this week is tragic and frustrating because it could have been so easily avoided.

A simple, properly attached gun-trigger lock, and Tylib would still be alive -smiling, laughing, playing.

Actually, he’d be alive if he didn’t have access to the gun. The Glock’s trigger pull is about 5.5 pounds. I think a 1911s is about 5. More:

Legislators in Congress and in Harrisburg have so far refused to require that when a gun is sold or transferred to a buyer, it would also have a trigger lock with it.

Really? The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms act requires handguns to be sold with trigger locks. See here. I don’t think the law has been funded, though.

7 Responses to “Blame the gun”

  1. Masked Menace© Says:

    Of course, a person who was careless in leaving the gun out where a 3 year old could reach it would never be so careless as to forget to put a trigger-lock on it.

  2. ben Says:

    I’ve bought a few guns in my time, and all the new ones come with trigger locks. I bet that Glock came with a trigger lock.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    No one ever mentions the fact that the instructions on trigger locks are specific about NOT PUTTING THEM ON LOADED WEAPONS. If the Glock had been unloaded – trigger lock or not – the child would not have died. Putting a trigger lock on a loaded Glock seems to me to be an invitation to a negligent discharge.

    KEEP THE GUNS AWAY FROM THE KIDDIES. At least until they’re old enough to properly train. It’s the best solution.

  4. Fun Bob Says:

    If those PA rethuglicans would pass Rendell’s 1 gun a month handgun purchase limit, this senseless tragedy never would have happened.

  5. Justin Buist Says:

    All Glock’s come with a cable lock that is to be threaded through the action of the pistol for safe storage.

    Wonder why the author left that detail out of the article…

  6. Masked Menace© Says:

    Because cable locks don’t magically place themselves on unused guns, but trigger locks do.

  7. Spade Says:

    Every weapon I’ve ever bought in PA (five) has come with a locking device. One Beretta, one walther, one AR-15, one AR180B, and one HK. So I’m not sure what the article is talking about.

    Anyway, I have them in a box somewhere.

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