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Times Dispatch:

Airline officials told the two Richmond bounty hunters it was OK to bring their weapons aboard.

Then, they had the two arrested.

Now, an Arizona jury has told Southwest Airlines to pay Thomas Hudgins and Leroy DeVore a total of $9 million in damages.


They checked with airline officials over the phone, at the ticket counter and at the jetway about their weapons, showing them papers that made clear they were not government officials, and were told they should bring the guns with them in their carry-on baggage, their lawyer, Richard Gerry, said.

But as the plane approached Phoenix, the captain radioed that he had two men with weapons on board, though adding that they had not threatened the flight, Gerry said.

I know from experience not to listen to customer service or the ticket people.

2 Responses to “Strange”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    Good to see the TSA is on the ball with security.

  2. Lergnom Says:

    I’ve sworn off American airlines for less involved asshattery, so I can both sympathize and empathize. One of my more… cautious friends said when in doubt get it in writing, on company letterhead, and have copies made.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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