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Don’t tell anyone, but it’s actually a debate I care little about and could go either way on. I mean, yeah, women who breastfeed can cover up but people just shouldn’t be so uptight about it. Two wrongs and all of that. Either way, it’s not important to me. I just want to see how many euphemisms for boobs I can sneak into an argument.

6 Responses to “Shhh”

  1. Captain Holly Says:

    Loved your comments.

    I tried to comment but their spambuster told me I couldn’t.

  2. brittney Says:

    I have always been partial to “sweater meats.”

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    I don’t mind the breastfeeding, it’s listening to the whirring grinding noise of a milk-pump in the next cubicle going on and on that’s annoying. Necessary – I understand – but annoying.

  4. ben Says:

    Just don’t say “tits.” Gawd I hate that 😛

  5. Bitter Says:

    Beware. Last time I commented that women could attempt to be discreet instead of being these annoying “nurse in” types that make an effort to be as blatant as possible showing as much as they want in the most public places possible, crazed new mommies from some message board came after me. I don’t know if they would treat you any worse because you’re a man. Maybe they assume you’re too stupid/insensitive/evil to possibly understand because you’re male. I probably got the pleasure of getting more hateful email because I’m a chick.

  6. Les Jones Says:

    Did anyone see The Office tonight?

    A woman was using her breast pump with no cover pretty as you please.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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