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Parting shot


Senator George Allen, keeping his word to gun owners, has introduced S 4057, the National Park Second Amendment Restoration and Personal Protection Act of 2006, which will allow gun owners to carry in a National Park as long as the state where the National Park is located allows carry in parks!

Senator Allen needs to get the bill a Floor vote in the Senate and get it off to the House for passage that must happen before the end of the current session of Congress.

We need to do the following things ASAP to help Senator Allen MAKE THIS HAPPEN!:

1. Contact Senator John Warner and ask him to support S. 4057

Phone: 202-224-2023
Fax: 202-224-6295

4 Responses to “Parting shot”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    I’m wondering if this means the NPS will have ti disassemble their security checkpoints at places like Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia. Going to see the Liberty Bell these daysis like trying to get on a plane in terms of security. It would be an odd situation (for them) if they have to wave me through because I have a license.

    This is great news though. I hope it passes.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Hey, this is in accordance with the Bill of Rights–2nd, 9th and 14th Amendments. is this the part of the freedom our troops are fighting for??

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    So that’s why Webb was in favor of it — to neutralize the issue.

    Or was Webb in favor before Allen?

    Either way, it had better pass now because if it fails it’s not going anywhere until January 2009 at the earliest.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    Parting shot or mending fences?

    I hate to be negative, but why wasn’t this taken care of sometime over the last 6 years or so?

    I hate to be cynical, but is there a possibility that it was introduced now because he’s a lame duck, and he thinks it will make his party look good to try while not actually having to pass any sunshine gun laws?

    Lame Duck congress-critters: This is your last chance to get my vote for ’08. I can stay home again in two years too. Please pass two or three good sunshine gun laws, and don’t pass any crap like HR 5005 (Blackwater class-3 empowerment act) without substantial revision. Thanks.

    P.S. And by pass, I mean no “pocket vetoes.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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