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men with small dicks out and about

and men with small brains have blogs:

So, watch out if you’re out shopping tomorrow, they may be lots of men out compensating for their own inadequacies at the local gun shop. No doubt they will have travelled there in their big V8.

Yes, the big cars and guns are a sure sign of a man with a tiny pecker. Such original thought. I mean, it hadn’t occurred to me that so much of who I am is due to having a small penis. That explains the gun safe full of evil black rifles and the truck! It’s so obvious now. I clearly want to have weapons so I can kill everyone. And I like big ass cars so I can contribute to global warming thereby furthering my goal of killing everyone. Because I got a have a small nubbin and everyone must have a bigger member than I. If only I had a massive wang, I’d be a pacifist who drives a hybrid, content with the knowledge that I was adequate. Yes, large cocks make you a pussy. Makes perfect sense. Anyhoo:

My thoughts are that gun ownership might actually teach many that they can be far more anti-social with a gun.

Good ol’ hoplophobia. Ok, sparky, inanimate objects don’t teach much of anything. Well, other than through their misuse. Misuse being the key term there for the obviously well-endowed, small-brained guy.

Update: Oh yeah. Google news now does news alerts for blog entries. That’s how I found this thought-non-provoking bit of stupid. It’s amusing to read anti-gun blogs for the sheer nincompoopery.

16 Responses to “men with small dicks out and about”

  1. nk Says:

    This may be a little off-topic: My four and a year old’s pre-school asked for 8.5 x 8.5 square tissue boxes for a class project. There’s no such thing. I took in a 6 x 6 and told her teacher that that’s the closest I could find. She said that that’s exactly what they wanted and showed me some more of the same that mommies had brought in (I’m a daddy BTW). All the teachers there are women. I wonder how their husbands are hurting their measuring skills. 😉

  2. nk Says:

    Yikes! That should read “My four and a half year old’s …”.

  3. beerslurpy Says:

    I drive a small, fast car. Does this mean I am compensating for a big dick or just for a small, but not quite as small dick as if I drove a viper? Is dick size inversely related to curb weight or engine displacement or to overall hp? Inquiring minds want to know.

    For calculating dick size, do AR uppers count as guns, or only lowers? This is important, dammit.

  4. Brass Says:

    NK, that has to be the funniest comment I’ve read all day.

  5. Dr. Strangegun Says:

    Uh, let’s see… I recently cleaned up my C&R paperwork, and if I set aside one month per gun I’d have almost three year’s worth of DrStrangegun specials to write.

    I drive a four cylinder GMC Sonoma that you have to drop two gears to climb the mountain mountain on I-40 down to Chattanooga.

    I think “projection” is the word of the day here, gentlemen.

  6. Dr. Strangegun Says:

    Uh, I meant I-75. Must be all the gun oil vapors in here…

  7. refugee Says:

    My reply at the gentleman’s site:

    Please allow me, sir, to express my deep admiration of the appendage you are evidently able to deploy for self-defense. You must be very proud. I am certain every lady you know feels safer in your presence than with nearly any other man.

    My father owns a walking-stick made out of a bull’s penis stretched over an iron rod. Up till now, he has been the only person I know who can, literally, beat off an attacker with his penis.

    I admit that my own, personal penis is pitifully inadequate for self-defense purposes.

    I agree with you that that women should be left defenseless, since they are anatomically unsuited for it. It makes them so much easier to subdue.

    It’s also true that the elderly and handicapped, regardless of size, do not deserve the right to self-defense, since their wang-fu will likely be inadequate for a variety of reasons. We don’t need such human rubbish, anyway.

    I admit, I’ve always found it disturbing that the police and military, being unable to find recruits of your mighty dimensions, instead must brand them as the puny weaklings by issuing handguns and, for the truly peanut ranks, rifles.

    Congratulation to you again, and I am sure we will hear more of your exploits as you defend your self, your family, your neighbors, and your nation.

    I implore you to post the resulting news pictures.

  8. ricketyclick » Blog Archive » Compensation Says:

    […] Via Say Uncle, this: So, watch out if you’re out shopping tomorrow, they may be lots of men out compensating for their own inadequacies at the local gun shop. No doubt they will have travelled there in their big V8. […]

  9. Justin Buist Says:

    I heard this over on THR a while ago and it goes along with what refugee had to say:

    If I could kill something with my dick from 500 yards away I wouldn’t buy rifles!

  10. Living in Canberra Says:

    Hey refugee – excellent comment on my blog. Very funny!

  11. triticale Says:

    I have to admit that for the woman I married, owning a handgun was indeed to make up for her inadequacies. Being a foot shorter and 100 pounds lighter than the man who kicked in the door of her apartment would have made her inadequate to deal with the situation had she been unarmed.

    She capped off a couple rounds in his direction without taking the time to determine his exact motivations, but I will acknowledge the probability that the whole situation might not have arisen if the occupant of that apartment had in fact been a male, whatever his endowment.

  12. Guy Montag Says:

    Yea, but what about V-8 hybrid drivers like me? Yea, I own a couple of guns, but not quite the collection that you have. Humm, that might indicate something. ROFLMAO!

  13. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    OK…guess the size of my equipment

    -I drive midsize sedan
    -my wife drives a V8 powered pickup truck (this really confused the neighbors when we lived in SC)

    -BUT I have a very large gun collection

  14. Gunstar1 Says:

    Why stop at mere penis size comparisons? Lets really figure this stuff out. What about the subconscious choice of gun finish (stainless=white vs blued=black)?

    Are black males carrying stainless weapons feeling more empowered (by having a faux white male’s penis) than black males carrying blued weapons?

    Are white males carrying blued weapons because they subconsciously fear loosing white females to black males with a large penis?

    Also, since engine/car size makes a difference:
    What about barrel size? Does that fit in anywhere or is it just that if you carry a gun of any barrel size it means you have a small penis?
    What about bullet calibur? Does that fit in anywhere or is it just that if you carry a gun of any calibur size it means you have a small penis?

    I need to know these things so the next time I go to my local gun dealer to purchase a compensation for my inadequacies, I will know what to order.

  15. tgirsch Says:

    [S]o much of who I am is due to having a small penis.

    The first step toward recovery is admitting you have a problem. 🙂

  16. USCitizen Says:

    Thanks for not linking Traction Control specifically, but it’s true.

    And I’ll invite every woman within 250 miles to do her own measurements!

    Women, pack a sensible lunch, point the car to Houston and give me a call. Do your part to counter the birthrate imbalance.

    Hey, sometime you just gotta go that extra mile.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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