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Comment issues

If you use and leave a blogspot url in comments, WordPress thinks you’re a spammer. So, leave it blank or use SK2 is on autopilot and even though I remove the entry from the spam file, it gets put back shortly thereafter because of the 100,000 idiots who use blogspot to set up spam sites and link farms. Sorry about that but it’s beyond my control.

2 Responses to “Comment issues”

  1. gattsuru Says:


    I wonder how long til tinyurl gets put on the spam list.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    SK 2.3 is suppose to fix this, but who knows when it will get released.

    This is a known bug, and there’s a bugfix in beta, but the link was bad, so I didn’t download it.

    SK 2.2 came out last Febuary.

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