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PS3 Shooting Questioned

The AP:

Two experts on SWAT team missions question the use of a battering ram by New Hanover County deputies to knock down a door in a raid that led to the shooting death of a college student suspected of stealing Playstation 3 sets.

Such a “dynamic entry” tactic is commonly employed during life-threatening hostage situations or drug raids as a way to seize narcotics before they can easily be dumped down a toilet or drain.

They can’t flush a PlayStation,” said David Klinger, associate professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. “Why not just surround the place and give ’em a shout? They come out, you cuff them and you go in and find the evidence.”

Err, because that doesn’t let them use all that cool ninja gear and battering rams and subguns that Uncle Sam gave them as part of the expanded homeland security bill? Give men toys and they use them.

2 Responses to “PS3 Shooting Questioned”

  1. Joe P. Says:

    This story gets stranger and stranger with each new report. And yes, since more and more local law enforcement agencies get assault gear – gotta use it on somebody.

  2. CTD Says:

    Is there any info on what the space ninja/cowboy opened up on the kid with? I can’t even seem to find the number of shots fired. The guy was shot twice, but with the level of fire control we’ve seen demonstrated by these paramilitary squads, he might have emptied an entire mag at the door.

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