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They do exist

A Shrike (a belt fed upper for the M-16) in action:

6 Responses to “They do exist”

  1. Dan Patterson Says:

    Well yeah.
    Peace through superior firepower. Does it come in something other than .223??? Maybe some of the more experienced gunners can give me some insight: Is the .223 a capable enough round with the carbine-length barrel? Intuition tells me there is more energy needed to be effective, even when belt-fed and full-auto.
    Great video.

    Dan Patterson
    Arrogant Infidel

  2. ken Says:

    Don’t forget, muzzle control is the issue. What good is a larger, heavier cartridge if the
    only thing you’re going to hit is a cloud?

  3. Michael Says:

    Yeah they are around. I once saw one of these belt feed M-16s in the armor at Fort McClellan. But never seen one in action. Pretty cool but would rather have a M249 SAW.

  4. USCitizen Says:

    Nice vid, but I noticed that they failed to exhibit the classic Say Uncle stance! Heh

  5. trainer Says:

    Maybe it was the lack of sights, the smoking forend, or the question of who can freakin’ afford a full-auto now-a-days…but I was strangely not impressed.

    I don’t know why but something is missing from this thing.

  6. Dan Patterson Says:


    Caliber. That’s what’s missing.
    Ken is right about shooting at clouds, but remember the .30 carbine? I am jsut not sold on the .223 but maybe I’m all wet.


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