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Giuliani Campaign Strategy Out

So says the AP. The gist of it is:

But I found this odd:

The document also predicts some $100 million could be spent against Giuliani to highlight political vulnerabilities like his three marriages and moderate stances on social issues including gun control and gay rights.

Say it with me: Giuliani is not a moderate on gun control. He is for most gun control.

7 Responses to “Giuliani Campaign Strategy Out”

  1. beerslurpy Says:

    That’s the problem with giuliani. His compass is haywire from being in NYC so long. I grew up there and I can tell you his stances ARE moderate for a New Yorker.

    NYC is at the leading edge of left wing crazyness. What the rest of the country considers “middle of the road” NYers consider right wing crazy talk.

    Oh and the liberals are going to have it in for him as well due to civil rights abuses on his watch, which were many. I would vote for McCain in a heartbeat if it was the only alternative to Giuliani on the republican ticket.

  2. #9 Says:

    Is Red State America going to vote for a twice divorced man who publicly cheated on his second wife?

    Only if his opponent is Hillary Clinton.

  3. Jacob Says:

    I don’t see any way Giuliani could make it through a GOP primary. He’s a major RINO. The only thing he’s really got going for him is that he kept it together on 9-11 while so many people around him were losing their shit.

  4. Captain Holly Says:

    Agreed. Gun Control will be a major sticking point, unless he completely reverses himself and publicly states his support for an individual right to bear arms, or does some major kissing-up to the NRA.

    Remember, Republican primary voters tend to be more conservative than the average Republican.

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    IMO the AP describes him as “moderate” because he’s insufficiently ANTI-gun to them, and it’s a way to expose, editorialize, and tar him further.

  6. Jacob Says:

    There’s no way or Mayor Rudy or McCain will get the NRA endorsement.

  7. trainer Says:

    OK, I will…

    Giuliani is not a moderate on gun control. He is for most gun control.

    …and add:

    Nay Giuliani, Nay McCain, we won’t be fooled again…ach, crivens.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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