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Something’s missing

PGP notes that Chuckles Schumer’s agenda is devoid of any mention of gun control.

3 Responses to “Something’s missing”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    As I predicted in that entry, people would misinterpret what I was saying (even when in the very entry itself I predicted as much).

    Sure, if you rummage through the DNC’s dirty laundry, or look on page 32 of their platform, or corner Schumer on the issue, hell yeah he’s still coming for your guns.

    We all know that.

    The point is, when Ariana Huffington hands him the mic and spoonfeeds him a VERY friendly audience, and he can say whatever he wants…he can list his entire set of priorities…he does NOT mention gun control.

    That’s a positive sign that while he’ll never love us, he does fear us.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    I see my evil twin is back again 😉 I didn’t know you liked to use that moniker, PGP.

  3. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Heh. Sorry! Usually I can get away with assuming I’m in the clear to use that as a username, as I’m generally the only Sebastian anywhere. 🙂

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