That’s a lot of turd polish
Seems The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Ownership’s Paul Helmke is kickin’ out the propaganda. Helmke is all googoo over David Hemenway’s book that says to treat the gun issue as a health issue.
What’s that? Hemenway sounds familiar to you? Of course it does. He’s the anti-gun Harvard hack who asserted that folks who carried guns were more likely to indulge in road rage. This despite the fact that there were no notable increases in instances of road rage after states passed concealed carry laws. And, of course, Hemenway refused to release his data. He also has provided some rather questionable numbers to the press.
Anyway, back to treating guns has a health issue: No. I don’t buy it, in the same way I don’t buy forced smoking bans on restaurants. It’s an issue of personal responsibility and freedom. That said, Hemenway’s thesis regarding treating guns as a health care issue is bogus. He neglects to take into consideration the between 750,000 and 2,000,000 defensive gun uses that occur annually.
January 10th, 2007 at 11:38 am