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Fun wiff maff

Some Memphis news org:

Fire arms score high as cause of children’s deaths

Here’s a list of some of the major causes of childhood injury and death.

1) Motor Vehicles

2. Fire and Burns

3. Choking and Strangulation

4. Poisoning

5. Falls

6. Fire Arms

And by scoring high, they mean they happen to be on this list where they cut it off. After all, from 1999 to 2004, accidental firearms deaths accounted for fewer than 1.7% of accidental deaths among children under 14 in Tennessee.

3 Responses to “Fun wiff maff”

  1. Craig T. Says:

    Really, what else is there?!? This would seem to pretty much cover the causes of childhood injury and death. And firearms is at the bottom of the list.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Yeah, “top six” lists are so popular, almost like it’s part of the American language….

  3. Lyle Says:

    Drownings are omitted, and they account for more childhood deaths than firearms accidents. The only way to get “childhood injuries and deaths” even this high is to include intentional– both justifiable shootings and shootings between gangsters, etc.– increasing the age that is defined as a “child”. Take out the super-high murder rate cities (you know, where they have stricter gun laws) and the numbers go way down, too.

    Back in the ’90s when I was working against Washington State Initiative 676, the National Safety Council published accidental death statistics under their “Accident Facts” pamphlets and on-line web pages– very concisely organized by age group and accident type. After I and several others sent the NSC stats around WA State to prove what a complete farce the antis were perpetrating, the NSC changed the way they report things to include intentional injuries and deaths, rather than just unintentional deaths. Now you have to really, really carefully mine their data to come up with the actual figures. They now have a report entitled “Injury Facts” rather than “Accident Facts”.

    I can tell you for sure, because it amounted to about one per day, that at that time (and accidents with firearms have been on the decline since) that there were about 350 accidental child deaths in a year. That sounds like a lot until you realize that there many times that number who died by fire and burns, and many times more by falls, etc.. Traffic accidents accounted for 31 times the number of firearm accidental deaths– I remember that distinctly, because I wrote to several newspapers about it.

    Now, do we hear 31 times the raving, bigoted, accusing, finger-pointing, frantic, frothing-at-the-mouth lunacy from the Left about car safety that we hear about guns? Do we see 31 times the news coverage of car accidents (about 110 traffic fatalities happen every day, to say nothing of the far higher injury rate). Don’t get me started.

    I’ll close with this quote from Oleg Volk:
    I can only wonder what they are up to that they prefer people around them to be unequipped to resist aggression.– O. Volk.

    Oleg, there’s no reason to wonder– we’ve seen it already in other countries.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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