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Quote of the day


and what’s gonna happen to the finger-wagging, lecturing, “Lesser Of Two Evils” voters if this election comes down to McCain v. Edwards or Clinton v. Giuliani, and there is no lesser evil? Are we justified in voting third party then? Or should we just say “screw it”, and stay home?

8 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Ron W Says:

    I will definitely vote third party with those choices…for the same reasons as I did last time with secret elite members of Skull and Bones, Bush and Kerry, who are either agents or puppets of the CFR-globalist agenda: open borders, appeasement and accommodation of illegal aliens, handing over American sovereignity to NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA etc. global interventionism while our own country is invaded, gun control, police-state, etc. I cannot vote for traitors to the Republic! My choice last time was the Constitution Party candidate. If the choice is there, I will vote for renegade Republicans Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo in the Primaries.

  2. Tam Says:

    Ron W,

    LEELA: Fry, remember what I told you about always ending your stories a sentence earlier?

  3. _Jon Says:

    I suspect there will be a lot of stay-homers. I’d be surprised to see a 30% turnout.

  4. Dominic Says:

    Do you own a tin foil hat Ron?

  5. Matt D Says:

    If you live in a swing state, you should vote for the lesser of two evils. Anywhere else, vote your conscience. Like always.

    I live in California, so I can safely vote for whatever crackpot libertarian I feel like šŸ™‚


  6. Lyle Says:

    It’s a very good question. If it comes to it, I may just stay home with a bad case of the dry heaves, loading my guns between episodes at the toilet. Or I could order all the past episodes of South Park on DVD and watch those instead.

  7. Ron W Says:


    No, I just read their own words and watch what they’ve done and keep doing.

    For example, do a little googling research re: the Council on Foreign Relations plan for a North American Union and the NAFTA superhighway for which “imminent domain” land will be seized and sold to foreign interests. Why didn’t Bush extol those wonderful plans in his “State of the Union”, in other speechs, or in news conferences?? Why doesn’t the mainstream media pry into those plans? I suppose Lou Dobbs, about the only mainstream person reporting those clandestine plans and activites, must forget to wear his “tin foil hat”.

  8. t3rrible Says:

    easy there Ron, don’t make me get the Thorazine.

    Is the NAFTA superhighway anything like the information superhighway? You know full of free porn and stuff. If so somebody send me a map.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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