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Because it’s not politically correct

Another VPC study. If they implied that, Jeff, then they can’t demonize guns:

The national rate of black homicides was 18.71 per 100,000.

The national homicide rate overall was 4.86 per 100,000 and the national rate for whites was 2.97 homicides per 100,000, the group reported.

“The toll that homicide exacts on black teens and young adults in America, both male and female, is disproportionate, disturbing, and undeniable,” the study warned. “The unique facilitating role of firearms cannot be ignored.”

I wonder what gun ownership rates are among the various races?

3 Responses to “Because it’s not politically correct”

  1. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Make sure it’s the legal gun ownership rates. Because, given that their rate for most types of violent crime is higher than the general population, I’d bet that blacks have a higher illegal possession rate (either by felons or underage) as well.

  2. bob Says:

    “Make sure it’s the legal gun ownership rates.”

    Given that the u.S. Constitution prohibits infringing on the right to keep and bear arms, ALL of them (the guns) are legal and any statutue to the contary is just so much fiction. We should not pretend otherwise.

  3. JustDoIt Says:

    Of course they don’t mention in the report that most black gun deaths are perpetrated by other blacks – i.e., gang fights, et al.

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