Archive for January, 2007

January 02, 2007

we’re all doomed


Let me start out by saying I consider myself smarter than most people… Not better, not happier, not funnier, not more inclined to make a real difference… Just smarter, or not as dumb, which is more accurate

Update: Why are pacifists always angry?

Big Fo’ Oh’

Happy B-Day, barry.

PA & Guns

Tennessee and Pennsylvania now have CCW reciprocity.

Note to the Iraqi People

You’ve got it all wrong.


Don’t you know that after conviction, there has to be at least two full decades of appeals. Then get some hippies to do candlelight vigils. Then get some of the washed hippies on the TeeVee to talk about how wrong it is to make a Saddam Yo-Yo. Then it happens anyway. And you get some other hippies bitching about the fact that maybe (just maybe) having your neck snapped by a rope and gravity was a bit uncomfortable. And we shouldn’t have done it.

You’ve got a long way to go yet, Iraq.

Civil Rights Case

Blogger Joe Huffman was fired from his job for his views and advocacy relating to the second amendment. He lost his job at Pacific Northwest National Lab after his superiors spent hours upon hours perusing his website. Joe has documented the incident here.

And he’s now getting press coverage:

A former cyber security researcher has sued for wrongful termination, claiming his former boss at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory didn’t like his pro-gun beliefs and that’s why he was fired.

Joseph Huffman of Moscow, Idaho, alleges in a lawsuit filed in Benton County Superior Court that his supervisor at the federal lab in Richland spent hours examining Huffman’s personal Web site about gun rights issues in the weeks before the firing in June 2005.

Joe reacts here.

DWI Video

Not only is the constitution not needed in courts, it’s disregarded on the road.

ATF Investigation

Seems a couple of gun-fearing senators want the ATF investigated:

“In a letter to Carl Truscott, ATF director, the New Jersey senators questioned the need for expensive office upgrades while laws governing firearms are not adequately enforced and equipment for field agents is under the knife.

“[These] unnecessary upgrades, including nearly $300,000 in upgrades for your office suite alone, ha[ve] put this project $19 million over budget, just as the ATF is eliminating funding for 500 bulletproof vests and 300 new cars for field agents who enforce the nation’s federal gun laws,” the letter said.

Seems the senators are upset that we’re wasting our money on niceties when that money could be spent on stomping kittens, err, tank fuel, err, model rockets, err, breaking the law at gun shows err law enforcement. Yeah, that’s it. Meanwhile, here’s one of those crimes you could be investigating.

M1 Carbines

The Office of Civilian Marksmanship should have for sale soon.

And the banned played on

Cam notes a big ol’ list of stuff that was either banned or someone tried to ban in NYC.

Like you and me, only better

If the .gov was forced to hold itself to the same standards as, say, a CEO, it’d be fucked:

The largest employer in the world announced on Dec. 15 that it lost about $450 billion in fiscal 2006. Its auditor found that its financial statements were unreliable and that its controls were inadequate for the 10th straight year. On top of that, the entity’s total liabilities and unfunded commitments rose to about $50 trillion, up from $20 trillion in just six years.

If this announcement related to a private company, the news would have been on the front page of major newspapers. Unfortunately, such was not the case — even though the entity is the U.S. government.

And I find it funny this recent trend of the .gov to yammer on about unfunded retirement plans since it operates the biggest one ever created.

Quote of the day


Of all the things we gunnies have to worry about, being prevented from carrying guns on board a spaceship ranks about #99,999,999. I know, it’s the principle of the thing; but in principle we should be allowed to possess tactical nukes too under the Second Amendment, only we all most of us acknowledge that this “freedom” would be totally unworkable and makes us look like morons for even supporting such a position.

Speaking of KDT, he runs down some gun bloggers on a post entitled Diversity. Well, let’s see. One chick, one gay dude, one African American. Well, we are quite diverse.

Federal Prosecutors: Pesky Constitution has no place in a court of law

Hollis Wayne Fincher has been charged with not paying a tax. He was in possession of three home-made machine guns and a short barreled shotgun. The possession of said items without paying a $200 National Firearms Act tax is illegal.

Now, prosecutors say they don’t want all that talk of constitutions and freedom and other things that inconvenience bureaucrats:

Assistant U.S. Attorney Wendy Johnson filed the motion asking U.S. District Judge Jimm Larry Hendren to preclude Fincher and his attorney, Oscar Stilley, from arguing matters of law to the jury as a defense. The government believes Fincher wants to argue the gun charges are unconstitutional and that the prosecution must prove an “interstate nexus” for the firearms, according to the motion.

The government is arguing that it is the court’s role to decide matters of law and to instruct the jury. The jury’s role is to then determine and apply the facts to the law as instructed by the court. The jury has no role in deciding legal issues, according to the motion.

The constitution has no place in our courtrooms. David has been following the case for a while and notes that the fix is in. Fincher’s supporters have launched a public awareness campaign. Hopefully, it includes distributing literature on jury nullification. Or creative ways to kick overzealous prosecutors in the balls.

SKS Porn

UAW Guy has a new one.

Sailorcourt pimps one out.

Ratting out guns

In NY, that’s what the police will pay you $1K to do. But I don’t care about that. I care about this statement:

The removal of guns from this city’s streets is basic to achieving a civilized level of order and a feeling of safety, which is the job of the New York Police Department and the city administration and any gathering of do-gooders focused on the lowering of the murder rate.

Err, no. Instead of focusing on guns, focus on crimes.

January 01, 2007

No place to call home

Via HL.

You Are 24% Republican

You’re a bit Republican, and probably more conservative than you realize.
If you’re still voting Democrat, maybe it’s time that you stop.
How Republican Are You?

You Are 24% Democrat

You’re a bit Democrat, and probably more liberal than you realize.
If you’re still voting Republican, maybe it’s time that you stop.
How Democrat Are You?

Happy New Year

And I partied like it was 1999. So, see you tomorrow.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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