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Guns and Politics in ’08

Alphecca has some discussion. I’ve been a fan of Richardson as well.

3 Responses to “Guns and Politics in ’08”

  1. Ron W Says:

    Bill Richardson sounds better than most Democratic presidential candidates, but if he supports the so-called “assault weapons” ban, then he’s still bad. I’ve got at least two SEMI-AUTO, SELF-DEFENSE weapons thatwere and would be included in that evil, unconstitutional ban.

    “Assault” is a criminal act or an offensive military tactic. Weapons for the latter are full-auto and why is it that we have militarized police wearing helmets and bullet-proof on some of our city streets with’em??

  2. Drake Says:

    I’m not sure Richardson can withstand the controversy from his days as Energy Secretary. Gas prices were starting to creep upwards on his watch(although now a push since the GOP hasn’t handled that issue well either)and there were security breaches. Although the latter would be interesting to see how Hillary would handle since Richardson was her husband’s replacement for Hazel O’Leary.

  3. Bitter Says:

    According to very credible sources inside the Beltway, Richardson has other issues in his personal life which will keep him at the bottom of any list for the DNC to promote as a candidate.

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