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Today’s Idiot

Bernadette Headd. In addition to suffering from an unfortunate name, she decided she’d had enough of a tailgater. So, she did what any crazy person would do and fired one round from her 9mm pistol at the offending vehicle. She also has a concealed handgun permit. Thanks to you and your one little incident of crazy, we pro-gunners will have to defend concealed carry for the next week or so. See, the anti-gunners always predict there will be an increase in road rage incidents. They’re wrong, of course, but this one incident will provide them with fodder.

Next time, just get the fuck out of the guy’s way.

13 Responses to “Today’s Idiot”

  1. Ahab Says:

    She should have taken the Ahab route.

    I hate tailgaters, I really do. It’s stupid and unsafe; and it really bugs me because I drive FAST. My all time favorite is in places where they can’t pass; if you tailgate me – congratulations. Now I’m going to go five MPH under the speed limit, jackass. Guess you shouldn’t have been a dick.

    Although, while what the lady in question did was stupid, I really can relate to her motivation; but there really are better ways to deal with some idiot that’s tailgating you.

    Oh, and if I can get over and let the idiot by, I will.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    She should get together with Bernadette Peters.

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    I do like ahab, but after a few minutes of slow driving, I turn on my lights. Usually backs ’em off for a bit.

    Oh, and good one Les, wish I had thought of that. 🙂

  4. nk Says:

    I slow down to where if the shitheel actually rear-ends me should I need to stop suddenly, he won’t be going very fast. And when it happens to me when my baby is in the car I am grateful that I am not carrying a gun because I would not want her growing up with her father in prison.

    P.S. Advice to all shitheels: The person you are messing with might be a person with nothing to lose.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    A friend of mine had an old Chevy Chevette, and we hooked up a switch to his brake lights for exactly that purpose. We could flash the brake lights without even touching the brake.

  6. Barry Says:

    Hmm hm hmm dum de dum dum dum…. la la.

    Boy it sure is a pretty day outside today.

    Not saying nothin. Nope. 🙂

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Guess that radiation got to her? 😉

  8. markm Says:

    Detroit got to her. Harrison Township isn’t exactly a suburb, but it’s not that far away either, and Detroit is the home of offensive and idiotic driving*.

    *Michigan’s also got the toughest laws concerning carrying guns in cars that I know of, except for the states that make it hard to even keep a gun in your house. Coincidence? I think not.

  9. _Jon Says:

    Welcome to my town!

    Ahhh, meh so proud – stupid drivers & even more stupid CCW carriers…. /sarcasm

    What’s really bad is she *missed* a huge Dodge pickup….

  10. Justinb Says:

    Guess that radiation got to her?

    🙂 old school…I remember that post.

  11. countertop Says:

    +1 on the slowing down bit.

    I’ll end up just creeping along at 5 mph if the person does it long enough

  12. more proof Says:

    More proof that the CCW piece of paper is worthless crap. Control and tax. The testing to become a police officer is more difficult yet we are left with plenty of arrogant law-breaking criminals carrying badges.

    Neither a badge nor a piece of paper will give the receiver brains or morals. And the hoops one jumps through to receive either doesn’t weed out those with lower moral standards. History shows the privileged generally fight for their “superior” status until death.


    I’m guessing there is more than one ZUMBO on this issue.

  13. straightarrow Says:

    I have no permits, I carry when I want. I’m an American. I will view any attempt to dissuade me as an attack by an enemy of my country. I believe in homeland security, though not necessarily, Homeland Security.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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