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Fred who?

Michael Silence is all-Fred-all-the-time in an effort to get Fred Thompson to run for prez. I share Tam’s sentiment:

Fred Thompson, former Senator from TN, is no libertarian, but compared to McCain or Giuliani (or Dubya, for that matter) he looks like Ronald Reagan. Pro-trade, pro-business, fairly hawkish, and socially conservative; if you liked the Eighties GOP, presumably you could vote for Fred and get seconds.

You know, from back when Republicans were cool and not when they were just Democrats who cater to the God Squad?

11 Responses to “Fred who?”

  1. #9 Says:

    Hope Fred does run. My current candidate Bill Richardson doesn’t stand a chance. It would be great to be able to cast a real vote instead of a defensive vote or a protest vote. I can understand people being excited and enthusiastic about a Ronald Reagan type candidate.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    Honest to pete, I can’t see myself voting for anybody running right now on the side of the ‘Publicans.

    Thompson I could vote for.

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    Same here.

  4. anonymous Says:

    Thompson voted for McCain-Feingold. That’s not cool.

  5. Ron W Says:

    Thompson is better than any of the other big names in both major parties. but I would not vote for him unless he’s opposed to globalism, that is would he stop the invasion of our country, amnesty and accommodation of illegal immigration and handing over our trade decisions to international tribunals (NAFTA, CAFTA and FTAA) so other countries (the global economy) can benefit from our massive trade defiicts. Otherwise he SAYS he’s for gun rights which is good, but so did Bush, and he supported the Clinton AWB and will support it again IF the Nazi-Commie tyrants in Congress have their way.

    And like anonymous says, “Thompson voted for McCain-Feingold. That’s not cool.” Yes, that was an attack on the First Amendment to keep the big money in the hands of the two party establishments and the big media corporations. Can’t be having it spread around…they want it all; along with the power and control.

  6. Nashville is Talking » Fred Freakin’ Thompson!: A Round-Up Says:

    […] SayUncle: I share Tam’s sentiment: Fred Thompson, former Senator from TN, is no libertarian, but compared to McCain or Giuliani (or Dubya, for that matter) he looks like Ronald Reagan. Pro-trade, pro-business, fairly hawkish, and socially conservative; if you liked the Eighties GOP, presumably you could vote for Fred and get seconds. […]

  7. KCSteve Says:

    I’m not going to waste my vote in any more election cycles. If there isn’t a ‘mainstream’ candidate that I can actually support (rather than tolerate) I’ll vote for whatever candidate comes closest to agreeing with my views, no matter how ‘minor’ their party may be.

    The time has come to stop settling for the lesser of two evils and start aiming for what we really want.

    So far everything I’ve seen on Thompson says he’s someone I would vote for.

  8. anonymous Says:

    To hijack this thread: Ron Paul just announced he’s running for president.

    I for one want to welcome our new lizard queen overlord!

  9. Kevin Baker Says:

    The time has come to stop settling for the lesser of two evils and start aiming for what we really want. – KC Steve

    Why settle for the lesser evil?

  10. Kevin Baker Says:

    Dammit. Try again:

    Why settle for the lesser evil?

  11. dave Says:

    To quote the awesome Frank J. at

    * The actual cause of global warming: Fred Thompson’s burning rage.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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