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Police and gun control

Seen at David’s.

Would tighter restrictions on handgun ownership increase or enhance public safety in your jurisdiction? 88.2% say no.

76.5% of those saying no say it’s because the rules would only be obeyed by the law-abiding.


3 Responses to “Police and gun control”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I think David’s take is unnecessarily pessimistic, but my view is also colored by the fact that I’d love to see MD become Shall Issue, and fighting the “but you shouldn’t need a license to carry because of the 2A” fight is way down the road for us.

    We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    The bottom line is, on the public policy points that really matter in a pragmatic sense, the cops are indeed with us.

  2. Pro-Gun Progressive » Cops and Gun Control: Yes, Virginia, They Really Are on OUR Side Says:

    […] Uncle has a more optimistic take on David Codrea’s latest than David himself. For my money, the key thing to take away is that most street duty LEOs agree gun control serves only to disarm the law abiding while doing nothing to encumber the criminal element. When I say most, I mean as in well north of 85% of cops surveyed agreed that stricter gun control won’t improve public safety. More than three-quarters of the officers surveyed said that gun control only disarms the law abiding citizen. […]

  3. Sebastian Says:

    It’s a bad poll question, because it’s possible a lot of them confused it with a license to carry. A better question would be “Should gun owners be licensed and have to take training in order to keep a gun in the home for self-defense or for recreational shooting and hunting?”

    Not using a loaded poll question might have achieved a different result.

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