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Castle Doctrine in TN


State lawmakers want to broaden civil liability protections for private citizens who hurt or kill someone in self-defense.

Multiple bills circulating in the Tennessee General Assembly are touting the ‘Castle Doctrine.’ The legislation’s language says it would “…provide immunity from civil liability for a person who uses lawful force in defense of self, others or property…” In short, a private citizen could not be sued by an attacker or the attacker’s family if the attacker is hurt or killed by the citizen’s lawful act of self-defense.

2 Responses to “Castle Doctrine in TN”

  1. Safety Scott Says:

    Well that makes sense. It would be absurd to hold a person liable for using self-defense. The person liable is the attacker.

  2. Tim G. Says:

    The system is so out of whack that the criminals seem to have more rights, or at least loopholes, then the victims themselves. It is utterly ridiculous that a criminal, and/or their family, in the act of a felony can sue somebody for protecting themselves, their family, and there home/belongings?

    The way I see it the more the criminals have to fear from the legal laws and rights of a citizen’s use of self-defense the better off we will all be.


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