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Defend your property

go to jail. Though there is no evidence he drew down, the man probably should have kept the weapon holstered.

4 Responses to “Defend your property”

  1. Ahab Says:

    Thanks for the link

  2. BobG Says:

    Since when is it illegal to carry a gun on your property? If he asked them to leave and they refused, they were guilty of trespassing. As long as he did not point or threaten them with the gun, he was within his rights.

  3. Ahab Says:

    Of course, the trespassers are saying that he pointed his gun at them and threatened them – which the elderly chap denies.

    For some reason, i’m more inclined to believe the senior citizen. Call it bias.

  4. Jack Says:

    Goes to show how damn careful you have to be. It’s 3 to 1 that he threatened them. An anti gun cop, an anti gun judge, or an anti gun jury and all the cards on his side of the table are gone. I carry on a daily basis and think about this type of situation a lot, especially here in Mass. Jack.

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