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Legal Question

Putting aside the question of whether or not this gizmo is 1) necessary and 2) dumb, is it legal? I think it potentially creates a Short Barreled Rifle that could be subject to NFA Tax and background checks. It fits the definition.


In other news, see what kinda dumb shit gunnies have to wonder about?

10 Responses to “Legal Question”

  1. markm Says:

    The web site seems to say they sell only to cops and the military. Still, I think it’s a bad idea to mount a pistol under the foregrips of a rifle. The number of situations where this will be useful is too small to be worth making your rifle awkward to handle.

  2. Ahab Says:

    I fail to see the point of attaching your back-up weapon to your primary weapon. If you lose one, now you’re unarmed!

  3. nk Says:

    I think it would be an AOW if the definition includes “any weapon design which causes one to laugh uncontrollably”. It’s still not as hilarious as the WWII German “MP43 mit Krummlauf” which had a barrel curved into a quarter circle and a periscope, so that one could shoot around corners.

  4. Rustmeister Says:

    That’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a lomg time.

  5. Les Jones Says:

    KNOW WEIGH D00D!!! Chuck Norris would break off the Glock and shoot you with it!!!

  6. JustDoIt Says:

    Perfect… for all the Mall Ninjas.

  7. Jacob Says:

    The only reason they sell it to police & military only is because average gun owners wouldn’t spend their own hard earned money on stupid shit like that.

  8. Ravenwood Says:

    Seems like that would make your rifle impossible to shoot.

  9. Kristopher Says:

    It would attach a stock to a firearm with a rifled under 16″ barrel.

    So … when you assemble it, you have an SBR, and should have paid $200 on a form 1 before assembling.

    Law Enforcement can get them on Form 10s … but they are supposed to register them to the Dept.

  10. markm Says:

    Ah, the reason for this just came to me. When your AR15/M16/M4 jams because you didn’t clean it, your pistol is already in your left hand rather than in your pocket. For whatever good a pistol will do you in a fight with full-auto assault rifles…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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